Book Review – Lockwood & Co. The Whispering Skull by Jonathan Stroud.

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Since the ridiculous cancellation of the Lockwood and Co. TV show by Netflix, I was left curious as to what might happen next to Lucy Carlyle, Anthony Lockwood, and George Cubbins, and their precocious ghost hunting agency, Lockwood & Co.

I thoroughly enjoyed the first book and it’s very easy to see why Netflix identified this series as a viable project for adaptation.

Six months on from their first adventure, our favourite agents find themselves wrapped up in a new mission. Starting off with a small supervisory role at a graveyard investigating a mysterious grave, it begins a journey into the dark underworld of the illegal black market of Sources (objects with connections to ghosts) and the mysterious Bone Mirror (which I won’t say too much about but it’s as creepy as it sounds).

The book, Lockwood & Co. The Whispering Skull by Jonathan Stroud, resting on a white windowsill. Photo taken by Mark Kielty

We have the opportunity to explore a little more deeply into Stroud’s world as we find out more about the Fittes agency through their rivalry with Lockwood & Co. (A fun wager sees them meet several times throughout the book).

But a few exciting things are revealed in this book which were introduced in the first. As the name of this book suggests, the skull starts whispering, and only to Lucy. As much as I don’t want to give anything away, the ghost is a fun addition to the gang and is as interesting and mysterious as Stroud’s other characters.

The second mystery to be revealed is what is hidden behind the forbidden door at Lockwood & Co’s headquarters. And for that, you’ll have to read the book for yourself.

What people might not expect with these books is that they’re very funny. I wouldn’t be surprised if readers revealed George as their favourite character. He offers much appreciated comic relief throughout the book. Lockwood also has his moments through his polite manner and quick wit. He’s the only character capable of complimenting and insulting someone at the same time. I think it’s characters like these that keep people coming back to read more.

Which is exactly what I’ll be doing for the rest of this series.

Read my original review here:

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